I created minas programam in 2015 with Ariane Cor e Fernanda Balbino. we promote learning opportunities for girls/women of colour who want to learn about tech in general (and who are especially interested in learning how to code). since 2015, more than 300 girls and women have joined our courses and workshops.

as one of minas programam’s cofounders, I am responsible for our communications and relationship with partners, do some project planning, host some trainings and talks here and there.

study group on tech, gender and race

in 2020, together with Ester Borges, I facilitated a study group about the relationships between technology, gender and race. the study group was a space for women (mostly women of colour) to discuss how digital technologies interact with structural oppression, such as racism. I wrote this thing reflecting on some of our discussions.

foreword of Algorithms of Oppression in Portuguese

in 2021, Safiya Noble’s Algorithms of Oppression was published in Portuguese and I was invited to write the foreword! this book is part of a growing field of technology studies from an intersectional Black feminist perspective and it was an immense joy to open the Brazilian edition!


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since november 2022, together with Ester Borges, I host Minas Programam’s podcast. in each episode, we talk with Black women (mostly from Brazil) about how we/they have been using digital technologies to fight for social justice.

episodes available below (most of them in Portuguese):