
I’m a researcher, writer and project manager interested in the relationship between social justice, power and technology.

With over a decade of experience, I have done research, advocacy, and comms for organisations like ARTICLE 19, Glitch UK and The Engine Room.

I’m also one of the co-founders of feminist organisation Instituto Minas Programam. Since 2015, we create spaces for Black brazilian girls/women to learn about technology and develop content about tech and society through an anti-racist perspective.

Some of my favourite projects have included defending freedom of information, researching tech facilitated gender-based violence, looking for ways to improve the health of information ecosystems and understanding the use of digital technologies by feminist movements.

My work has been featured in places like Gender IT, AWID, Forbes, MIT Tech Review,  Folha de São Paulo, Gênero e Número and UOL Notícias.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and a postgraduate diploma in Culture, Education and Race Relations from the University of São Paulo and a Master of Arts in Gender and Development from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex.

Uma mulher negra de cabelos ondulados olha para a câmera sorrindo.

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