Para algumas comunidades na América Latina, o ecossistema informacional sempre foi hostil. The Engine Room. (March 2024)

Diagnóstico Da Comunidade: Protegendo A Saúde Dos Ecossistemas De Informação Da América Latina. The Engine Room. (December 2023)

Para melhorar o ecossistema de informação, é preciso reconstruir confiança e focar em iniciativas locais e voltadas para as comunidades. The Engine Room. (November 2023)

10 inspiring initiatives fighting online political violence in Latin America. The Engine Rooom. (Outubro 2023)

What Do We Think About When We Think About Digital Resilience? The Engine Room. (Maio 2023)

How To Think About Tech When You Don’t Have Time To Think About Tech. The Engine Room. (Abril 2022)

New Research & Community Call: Intersectional Approaches To Data And Digital Rights Advocacy During The Pandemic. The Engine Room. (Janeiro 2022)

Mulheres negras e tecnologia: inventando novos mundos possíveis. Mulheres Negras Decidem. (Dezembro 2021)

Social Justice + Digital Rights During Covid-19: Barriers To Collaboration. The Engine Room. (Agosto 2021)

On power and inequity: reflections on funding and decision-making for tech and human rights. The Engine Room.(August 2020)

Coisas que aprendemos com o livro “Dark Matters: On the Surveillance of Blackness”. Minas Programam. (Agosto de 2020)

O que aprendemos com o grupo de estudos sobre tecnologia, gênero e raça? Minas Programam. (Julho de 2020)

Shifting power and funding for resilience: thoughts on how we can achieve a more equitable tech and human rights ecosystem, The Engine Room. (Maio 2020)

Reconnecting with your purpose, reaching for impact. The Engine Room. (Abril 2020)

Understanding people before creating new tech. The Engine Room. (Abril 2020)

Finding, and asking, the important questions about tech. The Engine Room. (Abril 2020)

“Women’s rights in Brazil will face their biggest threat under new government”, Institute of Development Studies Alumni Blog. Co-autoria de texto com Nana Soares. (Março de 2019)

“Gender-Based Violence Against Rural Girls in Brazil”, The Chicago Council of Global Affairs. (Dezembro de 2018)

“Open Data about femicide in Brazil”, Open Government Partnership, (Abril de 2018)

“Using Access to Information to Advance Women’s Health Rights: The Case of Legal Abortion in Brazil”, Global Partnership for Social Accountability – Knowledge Platform. (Março de 2018)

“Como escolas perpetuam violência contra mulheres negras?”, Blogueiras Negras. (Agosto de 2017)

How is Open Government related to Violence Against Women in Brazil?, Open Government Partnership. (Março de 2017)

“Negras na tecnologia”, Blogueiras Negras. (Agosto de 2016).

“A suposta força infinita da mulher negra”, Blogueiras Negras. (Julho de 2015)